Harviestoun Brewery, creator of the highly-acclaimed Ola Dubh series of whisky-barrel-aged beers, has announced its latest collaborative barrel-aged project. Orach Slie (or “Golden Nectar”) is a variant of Schiehallion Craft Lager matured in casks from the multi-award-winning, family-owned Glenfarclas Distillery.
The limited edition release signals a new development for the Harviestoun portfolio. “We were one of the first British brewers to take barrel-aged-beer seriously” says head brewer Stuart Cail “and it’s an area we’ve been keen to develop for a while. It was really just a question of finding the right partner to help take the project in a new and interesting direction…and we’ve found a great partner in Glenfarclas.”
In contrast to the punchy, dark Ola Dubhs aged in casks from the wild isles of Orkney, Orach Slie is a much lighter, easy-going beer that reflects the softer, sweeter malts of Glenfarclas which nestles in the rolling Speyside moors of Banffshire. Having trialled a variety of different beers, the brewers settled on a lightly-hopped, high-abv version of Schiehallion to perfectly complement the classic, honeyed-sherry malts of Glenfarclas.
Only 20,000 bottles of Orach Slie have been produced. Bottled at 6%, the beer has been offered to distribution partners around the world. More than 80% will be going to export; to established markets such as Scandinavia and North America, and also to new markets such as China and Brazil.
Orach Slie pours a light straw colour and immediately displays a delicate malty character on the nose. It has a surprisingly robust, chewy mouthfeel that belies its light appearance, coating the palate with gentle-sweetness which in turn gives way to a pleasantly-bitter, drying (and slightly tangy) finish.
Marketing Manager, Ewan McCowen says “we’re extremely excited to have created something so new for our drinkers. It will make a delicious summer sundowner or a great alternative to sparkling wine. And there’s also huge potential for food-matching.”
George Grant, Sales Director of Glenfarclas adds “I’m delighted with Orach Slie and to be working with a company that shares the same independent spirit and attitude to craftsmanship as we do at Glenfarclas. Here’s to a great partnership!”
Orach Slie will be available through select UK distributors (including Speciality Drinks), select specialist retailers (such as Royal Mile Whiskies and Vino Wines) and the Harviestoun website. It will retail at approximately £7.00 for a 330ml bottle.
Issued by Harviestoun Brewery.
Ewan McCowen / 01259 769 100 or ewan@harviestoun.co