HonestBrew invites customers to celebrate a meaningful moment with loved ones or their beloved, this Valentine’s Day. Spend quality time together by sampling exciting craft beers and sharing new experiences with the Taster Case curated by the aficionados at HonestBrew.
HonestBrew’s Taster Case can be purchased online here for as little as £14.71 (£15.90 for non-members).
For the ultimate tasting experience this Valentine’s Day, grab two glasses and pour out some ale-some brews for quality time together. The Taster Case is a 6-beer mixed case filled to the brim with unique styles from Pale Ale to Stout, ranging in strengths and intriguing flavours. Picking out the perfect beers to make a delightful evening that caters to all palates; whether you’re exploring new flavours with friends or loved ones, has never been easier.
Press release from Honest Brew
For all press enquiries:
Bradley Adams-Stock // bradley@wearefullfat.com
Francesca Cray // francesca@wearefullfat.com