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1st September 2020

The Future of Tryanuary

Dear fellow Guild members, 

I hope this message finds you well.

 In 2018 I took on the reigns as National Coordinator for the Tryanuary campaign. Tryanuary is a volunteer-led campaign aimed at encouraging people to support independent breweries, bars and pubs during what is traditionally the difficult trading month of January.

Since it’s inception in 2015, the campaign has grown significantly, supported by a broad number of volunteers nationwide and funded by sponsorship. I feel Tryanuary 2021 is of acute importance given the current crisis our industry finds itself in.

However, my own commitments elsewhere has led me to the difficult decision that I need to hand this role over to someone else to lead. I believe the campaign has huge growth potential, but really needs someone who has the capacity to dedicate significant time to it. Previously, I did look at setting Tryanuary up as a Community Interest Company (CIC) and turn it into a not for profit campaign, but my own commitments elsewhere meant I couldn’t jump the final hurdle on this. I am still willing to be a part of this awesome campaign, but in a much more low key role.

I have approached the rest of the people who formed the national coordinating team for Tryanuary 2020 to offer them my role; unfortunately no-one else was in a position to accept. So, my next port of call is the Guild. I am really keen for this campaign to be led by a passionate beer professional and as positive communicators about beer, I felt it wise to offer the role to you.

If you would like to know more about this, please reach out to me via email at 


Mike Hampshire