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27th November 2014

Arran Brewery’s Dreghorn sight plagued by break-ins and vandalism.

The troubles of Arran Brewery continue with continued break-ins and vandalism at their Deghorn sight.

The site of Scotland’s first Sake Brewery and research centre has yet again been broken into and vandals keep braking windows as fast as Arran’s staff can replace them.

Managing Director Gerald Michaluk   “ I am furious at the waste and cost of this vandalism, we have had a breakin and several windows smashed this week alone adding to the 139 windows we have started to repair.   I refuse to live in high security environment, with barred wire etc this is going to be a visitor centre and overt security does not go with this type of establishment.  We now employ seven staff on the site and continue to recruit but this criminality is putting our investment at risk.   For example we cannot get insurance on the site now and these few idiots are putting serious investment and job creation at risk.

Dreghorn is a beautiful place with a panoramic view of Arran and the surrounding countryside.  We have recruited locally some fantastic people and work in repairing and tidying up the site is going well.   It is time the good people of Dreghorn take action to reclaim their village from the vandals and thieves.  It is time to declare war on these antisocial idiots and thieves and put an end to their reign in Dreghorn.  I will be meeting with the local Community Council to discuss this”.

Thieves have cost over £60,000 worth of damage and the cost raises with each incident. Arran Brewery is planning to create Scotland’s first Sake brewery on site as well as a visitor centre, brewing research and development centre and a bottling plant.  The site, “Arran View Brewery Dreghorn”  aims to attract 30,000 visitors a year and employ directly 30 staff and attract academics and students from around the UK and overseas.


Gerald Michaluk