On Tuesday 14th May, Bob Neill ( local MP and former Pubs Minister), Brandon Lewis (Current Pubs Minister), and Mike Benner (Chief Executive of CAMRA) will be attending a public rally at the Porcupine pub at 10:30am. A large turnout of local residents is expected, which will send a strong message to LiDL that their plans to convert this valued pub into a supermarket are not wanted by the local community.
Date of event: Tuesday 14th May; 10:30 – 11:15am
Venue: Outside the Porcupine Pub Site, 24 Mottingham Road, London SE9 4QW
Purpose: To draw attention to the campaign to save the Porcupine public house in Mottingham (from proposed demolition & LiDL supermarket replacement)
Key people there: Bob Neill ( local MP and former Pubs Minister), Brandon Lewis (Current Pubs Minister), Mike Benner (Chief Executive of CAMRA)
On-the-day contact: Tim Chilvers; 07908910972