DATE: Thursday 2 July, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
(followed by optional drinks)
VENUE: Institute of Brewing & Distilling, 44A Curlew Street, Butler’s Wharf, London SE1 2ND
COST: £70
Course details
This course focuses on how to pitch your ideas to editors and/or pitch yourself and your services (copywriting, PR) to any potential client. How to get them wanting what you’ve got to offer –as often as possible. And then, importantly, how to negotiate your fees (including how to ask for and get more money), and how to hold on to your copyright, aka negotiating usage.
This is an intensive course using role play, so places are limited. So, book early to avoid disappointment. Also come equipped with either an article idea you want to pitch, along with potential clients you’d think suitable to pitch it at and/or (if applicable to you) a service/services you want to sell and clients you’d want to pitch it at.
Course trainers
Louise Bolotin is a journalist with more than 35 years’ experience and has been freelance since 2005. She has written for a wide range of newspapers and magazines and worked in BBC local radio. She has a keen interest in the business aspects of freelancing. She is the elected member for the north-west region on the NUJ’s Freelance Industrial Council and the freelance officer for the union’s Manchester & Salford branch.
Phil Sutcliffe has been a journalist and NUJ member since serving an apprenticeship on the Newcastle Evening Chronicle, 1970-2. He has been training freelances on the business side of their working lives for the NUJ and others since 1988. Phil has been a self-employed journalist in Newcastle and (mostly) London for 36 years. He has written mainly about music for Sounds, Smash Hits, The Face, Q, Mojo, Psychologies and in America LA Times and Blender, as well as radio (Radio 1 and 4), TV (Rock Steady, The White Room), and online (Hobomedia, Stool Pigeon, eMusic) and spells of book writing (on The Police, Queen and AC/DC and self-publication of his father Sam’s WW1 Memoir called Nobody Of Any Importance (see . NUJ Member of Honour and elected member of NUJ Freelance Industrial Council and Copyright Committee for many years.
Course Title: How To Judge Beer
Date: Tuesday 7 July 2015
Time: 12.00 noon – 4.00 pm
Venue: Institute of Brewing & Distilling, 44A Curlew Street, Butler’s Wharf, London SE1 2ND
Cost: £50
Name: ………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..…………….
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….
Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel: No: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment can be made by:
- Cheque made payable to British Guild of Beer Writers sent to the address below
- Debit / credit card. Please call 01206 752212 and ask for Angie Armitage.
- Bank Transfer, please quote as your reference your surname and the date of the course you are attending. Our bank details are:
Sort Code 08-92-99
Account No 65090398
Places cannot be held without payment and on receipt of your payment a receipt and confirmation of booking will be sent.