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16th February 2012

SIBA Southwest Brewers’ Herald 2012 edition out now!

SIBA Southwest’s Tuckers Maltings Festival hits its 20th year April 19-21 and once again it is accompanied by the latest edition of the Brewers Herald, which offers a comprehensive guide to the beers on show at the Festival as well as snapshot of the state of play amongst SIBA’s brewing members in the region.

Despite the economic conditions and the persistent stories of the demise of pubs and beer, the Brewers’ Herald reports growth amongst SIBA Southwest members, awards won, new premises moved into and plenty of beer launches.

Amongst the features, Moor Beer Company’s Justin Hawke sings the praises unfined beer, while five southwest breweries tell the tale of why they did something different — St Austell’s head brewer Roger Ryman explains the origins of the brewery’s popular beer festival, while Jon Comer at Arbor Ales reveals the thoughts behind Bristol brewery’s single hop range.

The Brewers’ Herald is free and distributed in pubs and bars throughout the southwest.


If you want to know more about developments in the SIBA southwest region please contact Paul Davey at or if you would like a PDF of the Brewers’ Herald contact editor Adrian Tierney-Jones at

Adrian Tierney-Jones

01398 324314


07807 925071