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25th January 2012

Tourism Regulation Taskforce report published by DCMS – proposals would help pubs and brewers, says BBPA

BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds, who served on the Tourism Regulation Taskforce, comments:

“It is good to see such a positive reaction from John Penrose to the report.  It has never been more important to reduce regulation and create jobs in our sector. Across the whole hospitality industry, this report provides a coherent toolkit for the Government to do just that.

“For pubs, the report rightly highlights key concerns, such as the need for proportionate regulations on underage sales that fairly reflect the huge efforts pubs are making in this area.  Compulsory reviews of council licensing policies every five years are also a big cost burden, as is too much complexity in the licensing application process.  Removing the need to advertise in newspapers all amendments to a premises licence and an annual date for licensing fees would help, too.  For beer there is a range of proposals which would help breweries and reduce costs.


“Unnecessary red tape is a huge drag on job creation in brewing and pubs, so I hope the Government moves quickly towards these reforms.”




Notes to editors

DCMS news release and report is on line here:


Brigid Simmonds is also Chairman of the Tourism Alliance, which comprises some 50 trade associations in the tourism and hospitality sector, representing 200,000 businesses.


The British Beer & Pub Association is the UK’s leading organisation representing the brewing and pub sector.  Its members account for 96 per cent of the beer brewed in the UK and own nearly two thirds of Britain’s 52,500 pubs.




Twitter: @brigidsimmonds


For further information please contact:

David Wilson: Public Affairs Director Tel: 020 7627 9151

Neil Williams, Communications Manager Tel: (020) 7627 9156 / 07974 249 779

Gareth Barrett, Public Affairs Officer Tel: (020) 7627 9154



Neil Williams

Communications Manager

British Beer & Pub Association

020 7627 9156

07974 249 779