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30th July 2013

Blackpool EMRO – partnership working a better alternative, says BBPA


The BBPA is opposing Blackpool council’s intention to implement an EMRO (Early Morning Restriction Order), and has just submitted its representation to the council’s consultation.



An EMRO preventing premises from retailing alcohol after 3am would not necessarily help with crime and disorder, says the BBPA, moving demand for late night entertainment elsewhere and damaging Blackpool’s economy.



Businesses with a core late night trade will lose a large part of their attraction, and given the current economic circumstances this could well make these businesses unviable, with job losses and economic damage to the town.




Businesses which have been granted their hours following legitimate applications (and have operated with no problems whatsoever) would be penalised, seemingly without any opportunity to challenge the EMRO.  Also, a surge of customers leaving premises at the same time, as happened prior to the 2003 Licensing Act, could place pressure on police and taxi marshals.




The BBPA says that a far better solution to night time problems would be closer working between venues, the Council and the police. However, successful partnership working initiatives could be undermined and become less effective as a result of an EMRO. Blackpool already has a successful and effective Pubwatch scheme which recently won the National Pubwatch award 2013. 




Concerns from Lancashire police, that ‘The main night-time economy of the town is a hot spot in terms of crime and disorder and needs significant resource to police’, would not  necessarily change under an EMRO, and may even make the situation worse, with  displacement of drinkers, and crime and disorder incidents spread across a wider area.




Brigid, Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments.




“The council and police understandably want to promote a family friendly destination, but an EMRO is not a catch-all solution.




“It may encourage ‘preloading’ by drinkers who think that venues will close earlier, and would also damage the Blackpool economy. Other local authorities, Hartlepool and Northampton, have just abandoned their plans for an EMRO, and I hope Blackpool has a rethink.  We need closer working between the hospitality sector, the council and the police to tackle problems, as has been done successfully in other towns and cities.”






For further information please contact:




David Wilson, Director of Public Affairs: 020 7627 9151/ 07557 436 033


Gareth Barrett, Public Affairs Officer Tel: (020) 7627 9154


Neil Williams – Head of Media: 020 7627 9156 / 07974 249 779




Notes to editors:




The British Beer & Pub Association is the UK’s leading organisation representing the brewing and pub sector.  Its members account for 96 per cent of the beer brewed in the UK and around half of Britain’s 50,000 pubs.




Neil Williams


Head of Media


British Beer & Pub Association


020 7627 9156


07974 249 779