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25th June 2021

New! The Beer Brewing Guide, The EBC Quality Handbook for Small Breweries

The “Beer Brewing Guide – the EBC Quality Handbook for Small Breweries” is now available for sale via BrewUp! This must-have book for small breweries and aspirational professional brewers provides you with practical tips to improve the way you brew on all critical quality points from receiving the ingredients to ensure your beer is poured the perfect way.

Commissioned by The Brewers of Europe and the European Brewery Convention and authored by Christopher and Nancy McGreger, this practical and technical book covers the entire brewing process, from receiving the ingredients at the door of the brewery to serving the beer in a bar, from the eyes and capabilities of a small brewery. It looks at all steps of the process and points out to the crucial quality points small brewers must pay attention to increase the consistency and quality of the brewing process and the beer they brew.

This book will exhaustively complement your brewing education (whether you went to a brewing school or learnt by doing) and make you and your colleagues (from all across the process chain) better brewers. It will help you to fully master the brewing process and make incremental progresses on those details that matter. It will help you to maximise the quality of your process and thus, of your beer to brew with consistency and quality.

Purchase the book here for 49.99€*

* Members of The Brewers of Europe benefit from a 10% discount
and can purchase the book for 44,99€.

Information on the book:

Title: The Beer Brewing Guide – the EBC Quality Handbook for Small Breweries
Authors: Christopher and Nancy McGreger
Number of pages: 408
Dimensions: 260×185
Publication date: 07/06/2021
Publisher: Lannoo

Press release from the European Brewery Convention
