The British Beer & Pub Association and Pubs Minister Brandon Lewis MP joined forces today to launch the key images for Pubs are GREAT; a new feature of the successful and high profile GREAT Britain initiative, led by the Number 10 team, Visit Britain and UKTI. Three iconic new posters featuring British pubs were unveiled in the Phoenix pub, Victoria this afternoon.
The GREAT campaign promotes Britain abroad as a place to invest and as a place to visit, highlighting all that is best about the UK. This single campaign promotes Great Britain under a common banner, so that Britain speaks with one voice.
For the new ‘Pubs are GREAT’ theme, the British Beer & Pub Association approached Number 10 and VisitBritain to collaborate on a campaign that would promote Britain’s GREAT pubs to tourists at home and abroad. Pubs are the third most important UK tourist activity and are of increasing importance to domestic tourists looking for good food, places to stay and value for money.
The first results are three iconic posters featuring a village cricket match, Borough Market in London and an idyllic country scene with a heritage pub. In future, pubs are GREAT will use social media platforms and apps. to make the Great British pub an integral part of the GREAT campaign.
Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive comments:
“Pubs have so much to offer tourism in Britain, for overseas visitors and all of us who increasingly holiday at home, so it is wonderful that they are now taking their place in the GREAT campaign alongside Britain’s other key attractions.”
For further information please contact:
David Wilson, Director of Public Affairs: 020 7627 9151/ 07557 436 033
Gareth Barrett, Public Affairs Officer Tel: (020) 7627 9154
Neil Williams – Head of Media: 020 7627 9156 / 07974 249 779
Notes to editors:
Images from the event will be available
Pubs featured in the posters:
The Barley Mow, Tilford, Surrey
The Kingsbridge Inn, Bourton-on-the-Water, Cotswolds
The Market Porter, Borough Market, London
The British Beer & Pub Association is the UK’s leading organisation representing the brewing and pub sector. Its members account for 96 per cent of the beer brewed in the UK and around half of Britain’s 50,000 pubs.
Neil Williams
Head of Media
British Beer & Pub Association
020 7627 9156
07974 249 779